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Blazon Guide for Ground Troops in Evony

Ground Troop Blazons are an essential tool to optimize your performance in both attacking and defending roles in Evony: The King’s Return. By selecting the right sets and attributes, you can significantly enhance your Ground Troops’ capabilities. This guide provides a comprehensive approach to configuring the perfect Blazon setup for your Ground Troops.

Ground Troop Blazon Sets

Two main Blazon sets are available for Ground Troops, tailored for specific combat scenarios:

Ground Troop Blazon Sets and Bonuses
Set NameBonuses
Justice (PvP Set)(2/6) When Attacking, Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -20%
(4/6) When Attacking, Enemy Ranged Troop Defense -20%
(6/6) Marching Ground Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +10%
Sacrifice (Defensive Set)(2/6) When Defending, Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -25%
(4/6) When Defending, Enemy Ranged Troop Defense -25%
(6/6) Defending Ground Troop Attack, Defense, and HP +15%

Choosing the Right Attributes for Ground Troop Blazons

Prioritizing the right attributes is critical to maximizing the potential of your Ground Troop Blazons. Below are the most effective attributes for each set and element:

Best Blazon Attributes for Ground Troops
ElementRecommended Attributes
Light/ShadowMarching Ground Attack Increase +0.7%
Ground Attack Increase +0.6%
In-Rally Ground Attack Increase +0.8%
Fire/WindMarching Ground HP Increase +0.7%
Ground HP Increase +0.6%
In-Rally Ground HP Increase +0.8%
Ocean/EarthMarching Ground Defense Increase +0.7%
Ground Defense Increase +0.6%
In-Rally Ground Defense Increase +0.8%

Tips for Optimizing Blazons for Ground Troops:

  1. In-Rally Attributes: Avoid using In-Rally attributes for solo gameplay as they only provide benefits in rallies.
  2. Focus on Double Attributes: Target Blazons with two identical attributes such as "Ground Attack Increase" for greater buffs.
  3. Universal vs Specific Attributes: Attributes like "Ground Defense Increase" apply in all scenarios, making them more versatile compared to role-specific attributes.
  4. Lock Valuable Blazons: Always lock Blazons with high-value attributes to prevent accidental usage as upgrade material.
  5. Match Sets to Objectives: Use the Justice Set for offensive roles and the Sacrifice Set for defense to align with your strategies.
  6. Patience is Key: Building the perfect Blazon set takes time due to random attribute rolls. Focus on gradual improvements.
  7. Preset Management: Create dedicated presets for attacking, defending, and reinforcing scenarios to adapt quickly in gameplay.
  8. Fill Slots Early: Equip any available Blazons to fill all slots in your Barracks to activate baseline buffs, even if they are not optimal.
  9. Prioritize PvP Attributes: Focus on attributes that provide PvP advantages as these will yield the most benefit in competitive battles.

Six Steps to Great Ground Troop Blazons

Follow these six steps to build an effective Blazon configuration for your Ground Troops:

  1. Assemble the Eight Sets: Equip Blazons to fill all 24 slots across troop training buildings. Mix sets initially to activate basic buffs.
  2. Find Quality Blazons: Look for Blazons with two complementary attributes such as "Marching Ground Attack Increase" or "Ground HP Increase." Lock valuable ones.
  3. Efficient Leveling: Use lower-quality Blazons to upgrade better ones. Aim to reach Level 10 to unlock a third attribute.
  4. Align Attributes with Sets: Match attributes with the selected set—Justice for attacks and Sacrifice for defense.
  5. Unlock the Fourth Attribute: Upgrade Blazons to Level 15 to unlock a fourth attribute, significantly boosting their effectiveness.
  6. Maximize Potential: Fully upgrade Blazons to Level 20 for maximum buffs and performance.

Blazon Leveling Requirements

Blazon leveling involves consuming other Blazons for experience. Below is a quick reference for leveling requirements:

Blazon Leveling Experience Requirements
LevelExperience Required


Ground Troop Blazons are a cornerstone for improving both your offense and defense capabilities. Whether focusing on PvP or PvE scenarios, the Justice and Sacrifice sets provide essential buffs to maximize your effectiveness. Use this guide to craft the perfect configuration for your Ground Troops. For additional resources, explore our detailed Blazon guides:

Blazon BasicsGround Troop BlazonRanged Troop BlazonMounted Troop BlazonSiege Machine Blazon

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