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Michael Viii in Evony - Guide to Buffs and Maximizing Potential

This image depicts the Evony General Michael Viii Michael VIII, the illustrious founder of the Palaiologan dynasty, was a transformative figure in Byzantine history. His strategic vision and leadership helped restore the Byzantine Empire's fortunes during a time of decline, reclaiming Constantinople and revitalizing its economy, culture, and military strength. Known for his resilience and political acumen, Michael VIII’s reign set the foundation for nearly two centuries of Palaiologan rule, marked by enduring cultural and military achievements. His efforts to secure alliances and counter external threats solidified his legacy as one of Byzantium’s most impactful rulers.

In Evony: The King’s Return, Michael VIII serves as an exceptional Duty General for the Market. His special skill, "Palaiologan Dynasty," bolsters in-city ground and mounted troop attack, defense, and HP, making him a formidable asset in city defense. This guide provides an in-depth analysis of Michael VIII’s buffs, specialties, and ascension benefits, ensuring you can leverage his potential to safeguard your city effectively.

Who is Michael Viii?

Michael VIII Palaiologos was the Byzantine emperor who reclaimed Constantinople in 1261, marking the restoration of Byzantine sovereignty after decades of Latin occupation. As the founder of the Palaiologan dynasty, his reign focused on stabilizing the empire, enhancing its defenses, and fostering cultural revival. Michael’s diplomatic skill and military strategies played a critical role in resisting external threats, including invasions by Latin, Turkish, and Mongol forces, making him a pivotal figure in Byzantine history.

General Profile for Michael Viii
Fixed Skill Book NamePalaiologan Dynasty
Speciality 1Ground Troop Defense
Speciality 2Sabotage
Speciality 3Sage
Speciality 4Battle of Pelagonia
In TavernGeneral is not available from the Tavern.
Cost in Gold60,000,000
Culture in EvonyEurope
Duty GeneralMarket Officer

Michael Viii in Evony TKR

In Evony, Michael VIII excels as a Duty General for the Market. His buffs significantly enhance in-city troop durability and effectiveness, making him an ideal choice for players looking to strengthen their defenses against enemy attacks. His abilities also extend to resource management, offering added value to city operations.

Michael Viii Buffs

Michael VIII’s buffs focus on improving ground and mounted troop performance within the city. His ascension bonuses further enhance troop defense, HP, and attack, while also introducing debuffs to enemy ranged troops. These attributes make him an indispensable part of a robust city defense strategy.

Detailed Buffs Table for Michael Viii in Evony

What is Michael Viii best used for?

Michael VIII is best used as a Duty General for the Market. His skill set enhances your city’s defensive capabilities, ensuring that ground and mounted troops can withstand and repel attacks effectively. Additionally, his resource tax and construction speed boosts make him a valuable asset for city development.

Improving the performance of General Michael Viii

Follow these steps to maximize Michael VIII’s effectiveness:


Michael VIII’s historical legacy as a restorer of Byzantine power is mirrored in his role in Evony as a Market Duty General. His buffs and specialties make him a cornerstone for city defense and resource management. By investing in his development and focusing on his unique capabilities, players can ensure that Michael VIII becomes a vital asset in both defending their cities and advancing their empire’s growth.

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