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Oda Nobunaga in Evony - Guide to Ground PvP and Defense

This image depicts the Evony General Oda Nobunaga Oda Nobunaga, known as one of Japan's most influential and powerful daimyos, was a pivotal figure in Japanese history during the Sengoku period. His ambition to unify Japan and his groundbreaking military strategies revolutionized warfare in the 16th century. Nobunaga's decisive victories, such as the Battle of Okehazama, demonstrated his genius for strategy and his unyielding resolve to achieve dominance. Revered as a bold and transformative leader, Nobunaga laid the foundation for the eventual unification of Japan under his successors.

In Evony: The King’s Return, Oda Nobunaga’s prowess is translated into the game as a formidable Ground Troop General. His Special Skill, Tenka Fubu, provides a significant boost to Ground Troop Attack, making him highly effective for both PvP and defense scenarios. Nobunaga’s versatility in these roles allows players with ground-heavy keeps to utilize him to maximum effect. This guide explores his historical significance, gameplay utility, and strategies to unlock his full potential in Evony.

Who is Oda Nobunaga?

Oda Nobunaga was a visionary and ruthless military leader whose influence during the Sengoku period reshaped Japanese history. Known for his innovative tactics and strategic brilliance, Nobunaga played a critical role in modernizing Japan's military practices. His efforts to unify Japan were marked by both significant achievements and fierce resistance, culminating in a legacy that continues to be celebrated as a turning point in Japanese history.

General Profile for Oda Nobunaga
Fixed Skill Book NameTenka Fubu
Speciality 1Ground Troop Assault
Speciality 2Sabotage
Speciality 3War God
Speciality 4Battle of Okehazama
In TavernGeneral is available from the Tavern.
Cost in Gold30,000,000
Culture in EvonyJapan
Art HallGeneral Hall 2 - Oriental Heroes

Oda Nobunaga in Evony TKR

In Evony, Oda Nobunaga excels as a Ground PvP General, providing substantial boosts to Ground Troop Attack, Defense, and HP. His Special Skill, Tenka Fubu, ensures that his ground troops can deliver devastating damage to enemies. Nobunaga’s ability to function effectively in both offensive and defensive roles makes him a valuable asset for players with ground-heavy keeps.

Oda Nobunaga Buffs

Oda Nobunaga’s buffs focus heavily on improving ground troop performance in attack and defense scenarios. With additional bonuses unlocked through ascension and specialties, Nobunaga becomes one of the most versatile ground generals available for both PvP and defense purposes. His buffs ensure that ground troops can withstand ranged attacks and deal significant damage in return.

Detailed Buffs Table for Oda Nobunaga in Evony
Art Hall Name General Hall 2 - Oriental Heroes%

What is Oda Nobunaga best used for?

Oda Nobunaga is best utilized as a Ground PvP and Defense General. His high attack buffs for ground troops make him a formidable force in ground-heavy PvP marches, while his defensive capabilities allow him to protect keeps effectively. Players focusing on ground troop dominance will find Nobunaga an invaluable addition to their roster.

Improving the performance of General Oda Nobunaga

To unlock Oda Nobunaga’s full potential, focus on the following improvements:

  • Equip high-level general gear optimized for ground troop attack, defense, and HP.
  • Refine his gear to prioritize ground troop stats for maximum combat effectiveness.
  • Add skill books such as Ground Troop Defense, HP, and Speed to enhance his ground troop performance.
  • Ascend Oda Nobunaga to unlock additional buffs that further improve his ground troop attack and survivability.
  • Max out his specialties to amplify his effectiveness in PvP and defensive roles.
  • Focus on cultivating his leadership and attack stats to bolster his ground troops’ battlefield durability.


Oda Nobunaga stands as one of the most versatile ground generals in Evony: The King’s Return. His buffs, skills, and dual-role utility make him a top-tier choice for players focused on ground troop dominance. By investing in his gear, skills, and ascension, players can unlock Nobunaga’s full potential, ensuring victory in both PvP battles and defensive engagements. For those seeking a reliable and effective ground troop general, Nobunaga offers unmatched power and utility.

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