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Pericles in Evony - Guide to Buffs and Maximizing Potential

This image depicts the Evony General Pericles Pericles, the celebrated statesman of Athens, is remembered as a key figure during the Golden Age of Athens, transforming the city-state into a cultural and military power. Known for his unparalleled leadership in both governance and strategy, Pericles initiated significant projects, including the construction of the Parthenon, while also commanding Athenian forces during pivotal moments in the Peloponnesian War. His vision and dedication to democracy cemented his legacy as one of history’s most influential leaders.

In Evony: The King’s Return, Pericles shines as a Hospital Officer, offering unparalleled buffs to hospital capacity and troop HP. His Special Skill, "Archon of Athens," increases hospital capacity by 25% and boosts troop HP by 10%, making him essential for managing casualties in large-scale PvP or SvS battles. His utility expands further with ascension, granting additional defensive and healing speed buffs to enhance his effectiveness. This guide explores how to maximize Pericles’ potential and utilize his skills for optimal city defense and recovery during high-intensity gameplay.

Who is Pericles?

Pericles, an iconic leader from ancient Greece, played a pivotal role in Athens’ development, fostering its cultural and political dominance. In Evony, he continues this legacy as a steadfast protector and healer for your city, offering key buffs to sustain your army during critical moments.

General Profile for Pericles
Fixed Skill Book NameArchon of Athens
Speciality 1Siege Machine Defense
Speciality 2Sabotage
Speciality 3Sage
Speciality 4Age of Pericles
In TavernGeneral is not available from the Tavern.
Cost in Gold60,000,000
Culture in EvonyEurope
Duty GeneralHospital Officer

Pericles in Evony TKR

As a Hospital Duty General, Pericles excels in managing troop survivability. His buffs to hospital capacity ensure that more troops are healed after battles, reducing losses and maintaining a robust defense. Additionally, his troop HP boost aids in withstanding attacks, making him vital for defensive strategies.

Pericles Buffs

Below is a detailed breakdown of Pericles's buffs, highlighting his contribution to city defense and troop survivability. Ascension further enhances these attributes, making him indispensable for maintaining a resilient army.

Detailed Buffs Table for Pericles in Evony

What is Pericles best used for?

Pericles is best utilized as a Hospital Officer, significantly increasing your city’s ability to recover from battles. His buffs make him ideal for PvP scenarios where managing casualties is critical. Additionally, his defensive capabilities provide added protection against enemy raids.

Improving the performance of General Pericles

To maximize Pericles's effectiveness, focus on the following:

  • Equip city-focused general gear to bolster troop HP and defense.
  • Use skill books to enhance troop recovery and resilience during battles.
  • Utilize gems to cultivate Pericles for increased leadership and politics, boosting his overall performance.
  • Max out his specialties, particularly "Sage" and "Age of Pericles," to amplify healing speed and in-city troop defense.
  • Add a Spiritual Beast with healing or defense bonuses for synergy.


Pericles exemplifies strategic brilliance in Evony as a Hospital Officer. With his buffs to hospital capacity and troop HP, he ensures your city remains strong during PvP and SvS battles. Focus on his ascension and specialties to unlock his full potential and provide your city with a robust defense and recovery strategy.

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