Evony Guru

Guide to Killing Event (KE) in Evony

The Killing Event (KE) is one of the most intense and highly anticipated events in Evony: The King’s Return. It’s a time when the usual rules of protection are lifted, and players can freely attack each other’s cities. The stakes are high, and battles can lead to massive power shifts, resource losses, or gains. While the rewards for participating are enticing, KE comes with substantial risks. This guide will explain the event, weigh the pros and cons of participating, and provide crucial strategies for success.

What is the Killing Event (KE)?

The Killing Event occurs during the final stage (5/5) of the Monarch Competition. During KE, PvP (player vs. player) combat is fully enabled, meaning players can attack each other’s cities for points and rewards. The typical Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) rules are suspended, making all cities fair game, except for resource tiles and gathering points, which generally remain protected to encourage fair play.

Pros of Participating in KE

  • Earn Rewards: Players can earn significant rewards by gaining points from successful attacks. High-ranking participants receive valuable items like resources, speedups, and other boosts that aid in development.
  • Boost Power and General Experience: Engaging in battles provides your generals with experience, leveling them up and making them stronger for future combat. Victories during KE can be a fast track to increasing your overall power.
  • Resource Looting: Attacking unprotected cities allows you to loot large amounts of resources. If you choose your targets wisely, you can significantly boost your economy by plundering high-value reserves.
  • Increase Server Influence: Success in KE can enhance your reputation on the server, potentially giving your alliance more influence and respect. Dominating the event can shift server politics in your favor.

Cons of Participating in KE

  • Risk of Losing Troops: Losing battles can result in a massive loss of troops, which are expensive and time-consuming to replace. A poorly planned attack could cost you dearly.
  • Resource Vulnerability: If your city is attacked and defeated, you can lose a large portion of your resources. Being looted heavily could set back your progress significantly.
  • Power Decrease: Suffering heavy losses in battle will decrease your power, making you more vulnerable to future attacks and affecting your overall standing on the server.
  • Time and Focus: Participating in KE requires constant monitoring and active play. If you can’t stay online and respond quickly, you risk being attacked and losing ground.

Example of a KE Attack

Here’s a scenario to illustrate a typical KE attack:

  1. Scouting: Player A scouts Player B’s city, checking troop numbers, wall defenses, and resource levels to gauge the risk and reward.
  2. Planning: Player A notices that Player B’s city is not under a bubble and has a high amount of resources but fewer troops. Player A decides to launch an attack.
  3. Launching the Attack: Player A sends their most powerful general with an army of strong troops. The attack is timed to land when Player B is likely offline or distracted, reducing the chance of retaliation.
  4. Outcome: Player A breaks through Player B’s defenses, loots the resources, and gains points. However, some troop losses may occur, depending on Player B’s defense setup and strength.

While Player A may benefit significantly, there’s always a risk of retaliation or counter-attacks from Player B’s alliance. Timing, planning, and strategic execution are key to success in KE.

Tips for Success in KE

Maximize your success during KE by following these essential tips:

  1. Always Scout First: Never attack blindly. Use scouts to evaluate your target’s defenses, troop count, and resources. This helps you choose battles you’re more likely to win.
  2. Use Your Best Generals: Equip and send your strongest generals to lead your attacks. Make sure they are outfitted with the best gear and skill books to maximize your chances of victory.
  3. Target Unbubbled Cities: Focus on cities that aren’t protected by a truce agreement. Attacking unbubbled cities is safer and more likely to result in successful raids.
  4. Participate in Alliance Rallies: Work with your alliance to launch coordinated rallies. This allows you to tackle tougher opponents or high-level bosses, sharing rewards and minimizing risk.
  5. Protect Your Own City: If you’re not actively attacking, always keep your city under a bubble. If you do participate, strengthen your defenses and keep reinforcements ready to minimize damage from retaliatory strikes.
  6. Time Your Attacks Carefully: Aim to attack when your target is offline, reducing the likelihood of immediate counter-attacks. Late at night or early in the morning is often a good time.
  7. Coordinate Reinforcements: Work with your alliance to send reinforcements to protect vulnerable cities or reinforce your own during critical battles.
  8. Avoid Overextending: After a successful attack, consider withdrawing rather than overcommitting. Being too greedy can backfire, leading to significant losses.

When to Avoid KE

If you’re still building your power or don’t feel confident in your defenses, it may be wiser to sit out of KE. Use a bubble (truce agreement) to protect your city and avoid unnecessary risks. KE can be a great opportunity to grow if you’re well-prepared, but it can also be highly damaging if approached recklessly.


The Killing Event (KE) is a thrilling part of Evony: The King’s Return that tests your strategic abilities and combat readiness. Whether you’re aiming to dominate or just survive, understanding the risks and planning accordingly is essential. Work with your alliance, keep your defenses strong, and approach each decision thoughtfully to make the most of this event. Good luck, and may your battles be victorious!

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