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Evony Guru Military Tactics

Long-Range Tactics in Evony: The King's Return focus on empowering Siege Machines, making them highly effective for PvP battles and rally scenarios. These tactics enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of Siege Machines, giving you a significant edge on the battlefield.

What Are Long-Range Tactics?

Long-Range Tactics are specialized for improving Siege Machines, with additional buffs for Marching and Rallying. The two upgrade paths, Drill and Breakthrough, allow players to strategically improve their Siege Machine effectiveness and reduce enemy troop performance. These tactics are ideal for those aiming to dominate in large-scale battles.

Drill Buffs

Long-Range Tactics Drill Buffs
LevelBuff 1Buff 2Buff 3Buff 4Cost
1Siege Machine Attack +0.5%Marching Siege Machine Attack +0.5%In-Rally Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +0.5%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Defense +1%100k Gold, 50 Military Treatise
2Siege Machine Attack +1%Marching Siege Machine Attack +1%In-Rally Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +1%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Defense +2%100k Gold, 100 Military Treatise
3Siege Machine Attack +1.5%Marching Siege Machine Attack +1.5%In-Rally Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +1.5%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Defense +3%400k Gold, 150 Military Treatise
4Siege Machine Attack +2%Marching Siege Machine Attack +2%In-Rally Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +2%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Defense +4%800k Gold, 200 Military Treatise

Breakthrough Buffs

Long-Range Tactics Breakthrough Buffs
LevelBuff 1Buff 2Buff 3Buff 4Buff 5UnlockCost
1Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +5%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +2%Marching Siege Machine Attack +2%Enemy Siege Machine Defense -2%Enemy Siege Machine HP -2%200M Gold, 50 Long-Range Fragments
2Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +10%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +4%Marching Siege Machine Attack +4%Enemy Siege Machine Defense -4%Enemy Siege Machine HP -4%400M Gold, 125 Long-Range Fragments
3Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +15%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +6%Marching Siege Machine Attack +6%Enemy Siege Machine Defense -6%Enemy Siege Machine HP -6%Scorched Earth600M Gold, 225 Long-Range Fragments
4Siege Machine Attack, Defense, and HP +20%Attacking Siege Machine and Ranged Troop Attack +8%Marching Siege Machine Attack +8%Enemy Siege Machine Defense -8%Enemy Siege Machine HP -8%800M Gold, 350 Long-Range Fragments

Note: The tables above show the buffs for initial levels only. Additional levels unlock even stronger effects, so continuing upgrades is recommended.

Special Skills

  • Scorched Earth (Unlocked at Level 3): Boosts Attacking Siege Machine stats in the battlefield.
  • Siege Breaker (Unlocked at Level 6): Reduces Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense and HP.

Why Choose Long-Range Tactics?

Long-Range Tactics are ideal for players focused on Siege Machines and their devastating potential in rallies and large-scale battles. These tactics offer a mix of offensive and defensive buffs, ensuring that your Siege Machines can dominate in every scenario. Prioritize upgrades to maintain a competitive edge.

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